Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It is You

It is You.

It is only You.

It has ever only been You.

And because of You, I am a better man. You have never let me fall. It is I who always chose to stumble. You always pick me back up, brush me off, and offer Your acceptance so that I might be made whole again. Though I will surely choose again in error as I make my way along this path we share, I know that I am never ever alone. I know that I will always have You.

It is You.

It is only You.

It has never been that it was not only and forever You.

Thank you for Your Love. Thank for creating me with the certainty that Love is all we have ever needed. When I make the conscious choice to make Love and only Love my method, I am completely in You. For I have also been created with the certainty that You have always been in me. I am forever grateful to You, and I love You.

It is You.

It is only You.

When the earth crumbles, and all the galaxies fade, it will always and forever only be You.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.

For in his eyes, it has always been you beloved.

It is you.

It is only you.

It has never ever been that it could possibly be about anything other than you.

LUVWRX. Believe it.

Friday, December 25, 2009

First Love

It is a very quiet Christmas morning as I write. No people. No laughter. Nothing. Or so it seemed as I woke up today.

This has been a year to remember; death, divorce, division, defeat. And in spite of the way those things hang on me like smoke from stale cigarettes, I find that I am anything but alone. The God of the Universe never leaves, never abandons, never ever divides, and can only lift up.

The King of heaven who gave more to me than I have ever been able to comprehend came to my room and gently reminded me that my first Love is the only love I need.... now or ever.

"Return to me," he said. -- Insert an awkward pause here. --  "It has been so long Father, I don't know how to approach you anymore." It was all I could of think to say. Without hesitation, he simply replied, "My child, you just did. And not only do I receive you, I bless you now in my name with joy, peace, and completion." I am reeling from the event, and I just wanted to say to you beloved,

"Return to your first Love."

You are not alone. Don't ever fall for the lie. If you have no people around you at the moment, it may only be so that you can become reacquainted with true Love. The kind of love that is consistent and unconditional. The kind of Love you and I are searching for. The Love that knows us completely, and doesn't find any fault with us.

Merry Christmas.

And take heart, your life is an unfinished script. So help write by filling it with memories throughout this next year. Make memories that will carry you through till the next Christmas where things are sure to be better for us. God's promises are dependable. Talk with him about your hopes and dreams right now. Your First Love is waiting for you.

God Bless You in the name of Christ who we celebrate this day. 

LUVWRX -- Believe it!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Caution: Tripping Hazard

Do you react to things you experience and that is your action, or do you take action and create the life you want?


I got up this morning and as soon as I stepped out of bed I stumped my toe, and fell into the nightstand bruising my leg. It hurt so bad. Everything spiraled from there as I prepared to go to the job I hate just so I can sit and listen to all of the problems of the delinquent occupying the cubicle next to me. He always looks at me like my fly is open. Every time I see him, I want to scream, "Brush your teeth!" He is such a loser.


I woke this morning from a great night's sleep. As I got out of bed I stumped my toe and then I fell into the nightstand and really whacked my leg. If I didn't know better, I would swear someone moved that thing while I slept... lol. I couldn't wait to get to work so I quickly ignored the pounding in my toe, and just like that I forgot all about the event. I was in a particular hurry to get to work today. You see, there's this new kid in the cubicle next to me. He has had a rough time of it lately, but I really listen to him and we seem to be connecting. Every time he talks about his life I want to hug him, and reassure him that all is well. He's such a great kid.

Which Type Am I?

Can I accept that, in choosing, I determine whether I am creating along with God, or just reacting to life? Both choices contribute to my perception of my life; good or bad. And there is no one to blame when things seem to be going poorly for me. In fact, as soon as I change the way I see me (I am a good person!), I change the way I describe myself. When I improve my belief about myself, things turn around. Additionally, when I choose to see others the way God sees all his children, I realize everyone deserves my love; including me. It is always up to me to choose to offer love (to myself as well as others), or to choose to withold it.

Rearranging the Letters

Reacting. Creating. When I rearrange the letters, I illustrate how I can make a change, and see myself as either one. If life seems unfair, change the way you see yourself. If you hate others, change the way you see them. They pose no threat to you really.

Realize The Truth

To quote a portion of the introduction to A Course in Miracles: "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God."

When we stand up for love, we take on the character of Christ as he prayed for our unity and Oneness, with God and with each other. We are One. We are created in the image of God to be about his business, and joining in with what he is doing. And what is God doing? He is waking his children from their slumber -- as we are willing -- and He is showing us who we really are, so we can better serve from a place of humility and authenticity. God is working with us (even while we are breaking our toe), and he loves us deeply.

There is one hope, peace; one world, now; one Love, forever.

When you get it, express it, share it. The peace of God is for all people. It is meant to be expressed. In the expressing it is shared, and in our sharing we are creating peace on earth.