Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Think of Them

Almost daily, I meet individuals (like 30 minutes ago) who are in need. I don't usually know their need, but because I ask for it, I have the on-going privilege of giving something (anything) to a brother or sister.

I have discovered a simple joy that is having a subtle influence on me. It affects my attitude about others, compelling me to be a source of hope whenever I am able. I only recently made the connection but it springs from memories of a time gone by when I reacted to a person's need in a much different way.

I remember vividly the day it all happened. I came upon an intersection, and there he sat. I had seen him before but never interacted in any way. I was always so busy; you see. He sat on a backpack holding a sign which read, "Will work for food." In my mind, the only thing this guy had going for him was the correct spelling on his sign.

I was glaring at him, wondering why he wasn't working, as he stood and tried to quickly move towards me. Immediately I noticed his left pants leg, which was pinned just below the spot where his leg unnaturally ended. I raised my eyes to check him out only to see his face. It was then that my life changed forever as we locked eyes. What was I going to do?

We locked eyes.

At that point, I made a decision that has remained with me; one I am sure I will never forget. As he was making his way to my car I pretended to fumble around as if looking for spare change. As I waited, lying about my intent, the traffic light finally turned green. Thank God, I thought, as I drove away.

I drove away.

I'm not sure just what I was afraid of. Was it cowardice that caused me to decide not to help? I have often thought about that choice. And to be clear, I don't feel the guilt that I once did. No. I am living proof that our decisions help make us who we are, and I decided to fuel my desire for the good and the true with the memory of leaving that man the way I did. Since that day, I have received literally hundreds of second chances to make a different choice. It is automatic now. As a matter of fact, I keep money in my vehicle so that I will never be without one of the resources that aids my fellow man.

I am not going to ask you to give anything to anyone. That was another post. And this isn't so much about giving money as it is an attempt to remind us that we have ALL been in need at one time or another. Can we just turn our eyes from our human family member when there is something we can do to help? This is not about asking you to give. However, I will ask you just one question.

How would you have felt if you had been the one I left standing on the side of the road?

Beloved, we are One. We were created to be a family of diverse cultures and ideologies. Our illusions of separation and separateness are self inflicted lies we spin in order to justify selfishness and narcissism. Deciding to walk away from another in their time of need is a choice freely made out of our own hearts. I pray that we will examine our hearts and reconsider our motives. It is my sincere hope that we will no longer see others as them, but as another member of our family.

I choose to give for many reasons, and as long as I live, I will never allow another individual to feel excluded or passed over as a result of a choice I make. Giving has many rewards, some unseen in the moment of decision, but nonetheless long lasting in their impact on our perception of the individuals we share our beautiful planet with. Just something to think about :)

LUVWRX! Believe it.

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